Monday, March 2, 2015

The Challenge Season Ex(ile) Midway Update

So this isn't exactly Midway through the season, but since Milli hijacked the Bachelor topic I figured I needed to steal the Challenge before he grabbed that too.

For those of you that don't know the Challenge is arguably the best show on TV.  What other show could possibly contain both of these clips.

Anyway - Fantastic Show

Quick recap of the season.

1)  Another - "Paired up with your Ex" season, some of these are good, some are forced
2)  CT and Diem left early - tragic, and really makes the whole season tough to watch
3)  Bananas and Nany got eliminated early

Usually these two facts alone would cause me to lose all interest in the show. BUT.... there's a twist this season. The eliminated couples fight it out for the right to come back into the final.

And guess who's still alive (Hint: It's Banany)

This past week Zach and Jonnay (or however you spell her name) were eliminated.  Which sets up a titanic battle between Zach and Bananas to see who gets to come back to the final.  Personally I think its pretty clear that Bananas's voice is in the preview of the Final challenge so I expect he will beat Zach, and go on to dominate the Final as usual.  

While this season has been more boring overall than usual it is definitely worth it to tune in to:
A) see Wes's face when he sees Bananas walk back in and
B) see Wes get dominated in yet another final by Bananas

Also of note this season is the fact that Leroy has finally stepped up and been the unbeatable beast we all know he can be. Jordan beat Zach mano-a-mano in a strength competition. And Jay/Jenna are still in the competition, which is amazing. Weird Weird season.

PS - Banany is the best, never forget

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