Since Big Brother Mexico is the first Google search result, and they are bringing it back after a 6 year hiatus, that's what we'll break down. Author's Note: Despite having been in Mexico for a few weeks I am not fluent in Spanish
The first episode I could find on Youtube appears to have been the first nomination episode from this season. Unfortunately the episode has no English subtitles and is over an hour long. Important question, is the host hotter than Julie Chen? Jury's out:
The intro lasted 3 minutes - this seems excessive until you remember that Mexico hasn't had a Big Brother in 6 years so they probably don't remember the rules. Unfortunately I did not understand a single word she said during the intro.
We get our view of the cast - a few thoughts here:
1) Is this actually the current season? This has to be an old one right?
2) This house is at least 10x poorer quality than US Big Brother
3) Guy in the Orange is killing it
4) These guys are way too comfortable for the first week
They spend the next 10 minutes talking with Mexican Julie Chen - which seems like an unnecessarily long period of time. Usually these segments last 90 seconds.
We get a picture of their faces before the nomination, there are only 12, and they all seem to be touching their faces in the mugshots. Interesting. Miguel is my early favorite.
This seems to be a significantly different format than American Big Brother, as they are voting on the nominations as opposed to the HOH assigning (Miguel still has zero votes).
This part of the show gets extremely boring. Each person in the house goes back into the confessional room and names two people they want nominated - giving not just their names but also a 3 minute speech on why they were selected, to no one but the camera (also there is smoking in the house).
At this point I've fastfowarded through about 25 minutes more of the show and here is where the votes stand.
Note: Each time they show this slide it is necessary for Mexican Julie Chen (hereafter MJC) to read each person's name and vote total. I now have mastered Spanish numbers 0-4.
There has been almost zero drama in this show up to this point. BUT THEN, suddenly, at minute 45 we get a girl crying during her nominations. It's only the first week, no one should be crying.
All the votes are in - but first Mexican Julie Chen interviews the audience to get their thoughts. This lady in the first row does not seem very excited.
Unrelated: Look at this guy's haircut
The best part of the show was undoubetedly the revealing of the nominations to the house guests. They all gathered in a room and MJC went through one by one and told them whether they were nominated or not. The tension built and ultimately the contestants were either devastated or elated.
The rest of the show was spent showing the two nominated girls crying and hugging each other. Also, apparently the people within the house don't have any say in who leaves and instead its decided by the public?
Overall Takeaways
1) This show was decidedly more boring than I expected, no competitions, no fighting. Maybe the other episodes have some of this
2) The structure is fundamentally different than US Big Brother - group nominations instead of HOH, and public decides who goes home
3) This may not be an episode from 2015 - based on the poor picture quality and wardrobe
4) It may have been more interesting if I spoke Spanish - self explanatory
5) I should have watched Acapulco Shore
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