Friday, July 17, 2015

Week 8 Recap: El Padre Edition

Ladies and gentlemen, we have found ourselves THE Bachelor. While part of America is anxiously awaiting who Kaitlyn has picked, at least half (all the women) let out a huge sigh of relief that she is not picking Ben H. This means that he will certainly be the next Bachelor. The biggest question remaining isn't whether Kaitlyn picks Nick or Shawn but whether or not Ben drops the H next season.

The Scoreboard

Top Scorers of the Week

1) Shawn B (28 Points) - Shawn racked up the expected number of points - grabbing a rose, making out with Kaitlyn, and traversing the Fantasy Suite. Not quite in the expected fashion though. His Fantasy Suite entrance and exit both seemed hostile, and unsurprisingly, it seemed that Kaitlyn was heavily favoring Nick going into the "Hometown" visits.

2) Norm Core Nick (18 Points) - Nick got points for making it through to another week, kissing Kaitlyn, and crying (with his mom). All in all, a standard Nick week. He seemed to be the clear-cut frontrunner...until Kaitlyn met his and Shawn's family.

3) Ben H (13 points) - Ben got points this week for going in the Fantasy Suite and making out Kaitlyn - he dropped five points for incorporating unrequited poetry. All in all though, I think you have to consider Ben the winner of the week - for essentially guaranteeing himself a run as the Bachelor.

Deep Dive of the Week - Quotes from My Dad:

This week I watched the episode with my brothers and dad while on vacation. Here are some of my dad's thoughts on the show and this week in general:

The Rose Ceremony

"The three Eskimo Brothers" - After having to explain to my father what an Eskimo brother was earlier in the show - he quickly fell in love with the term referring to the candidates (post-fantasy suites) as Eskimo brothers

"That dress though" - Not a fantastic quote, but just wanted to point out that Kaitlyn was balling this week.

"I think Shawn would win in a fight though" - While Kaitlyn was talking to Ben H after eliminating him Shawn and Nick had to awkwardly stand side by side waiting. Shawn looked flustered, while Nick looked cool, calm and, confident.

Nick's Hometown
"In Utah...who's the Mormon?" - I'm still confused as to why they met at a hotel in Utah. Did they explain this on the show, and how did I miss it? Is someone from Utah? It did seem that Nick's parents had a large number of children?

"He's a ladies man" - My dad doesn't watch the show frequently - but he did pick up on Nick's charm quickly.

"Is it him just with a shaved face" - When seeing Nick's brother, who does look oddly similar.

"What kind of software does he sell" - This sparked a larger discussion around how these guys (and Nick in particular - 2 years in a row!) are able to drop their jobs for months at a time. Exactly what type of software does Nick sell??

Shawn's Hometown

"Dad's not buying it" - You could tell that Shawn's dad was going to give him some level of grief over the whole ordeal instantly. We were both pretty disappointed that he relented so easily.

"They don't give a shit" - In response to Kaitlyn's comments about not wanting to hurt the family's after having gotten to know them. As you may be able to tell, my dad doesn't tend to buy into the realness of this show, although he is excited for Paradise.

Power Ranking:

Not much to discuss here. Milli is the only one left with players and is already in the lead.

Final Standings:

1) Milli (champion of all things reality TV)
2) Wiz
3) Team K
4) Team E
5) Team A

Tune in next season for another iteration! (We may do it for The Challenge as well)

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