Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Bachelorrette Recap - Week 2

Yes, I know this technically is a recap that encompasses both Weeks 2 and 3, but I am not going to fall into ABC's "To be continued" trap. This recap series and fantasy league will be based solely upon rose ceremonies. This week roses were worth two points (since it was the 2nd rose ceremony). So without further ado, here is the scoring for week 2, brought to you by this dynamic duo.

Top Scorers of the Week:

1) Jared: 7 Points
Jared had a fantastic week, leading the league with 7 points (first rose + make-out session). He has quickly gone from last (rose) to first (rose) and is single-handedly keeping Team E afloat. He has not grown on me in the slightest and it disgusts me that he is going to go far this season.

2) Everyone Else: 5 Points
Ian, Ben Z, JJ and Clint all scored five points via rose (2 points) + make-out (3 points) combos. Nothing notable here, as multiple of these came via one-on-one dates where making out is more or less guaranteed (ahem, Clint...). The most interesting note to make in this group is whether Ben should get a full 3 points for making out without utilizing his tongue. This has been put to a formal league wide vote, results pending. Editor's note: Wiz is obviously jealous of my team. Watch this and then try to argue that Ben Z didn't use tongue here...

3) Tony: 4 Points
As the only other above minimum point scorer (last rose bonus points), I wanted to give a quick shout out to Tony. What a fantastic human being. The producers did everyone a favor by keeping him around purely as a quote generator for week 3 (more on that in the next recap).

Week 2 Team Power Rankings:

1) Team Milli (36 points) - 4/5 Remaining
Milli once again scored the highest points in week 2 to extend his lead to a whopping 11 points. Buoyed by the strong make-out game of both Ian and Ben Z (5 points a piece).  He still holds on to his top four players and is showing no signs of weakening.

2) Team Wiz (14 points) - 4/5 
Bouncing back this week by holding on to all remaining players as the three other teams all dropped someone. 3 of the first five roses went to Team Wiz members showing the safe approach may pay off in the long run.  While not racking up bonus points, its hard to see Ben H and Tanner going home anytime soon.

3) Team E (17 points) - 3/5
The gap between 2-4 in these power rankings is miniscule and you can easily argue that Team K should be ahead of Team E. However, Jared's looking like the steal of the century after capturing the first rose of the ceremony. Unfortunately for Team E, it seems like he will be the only one sticking around on a rather lackluster team.

4) Team K (25 points) - 3/5
Despite having a healthy hold on second, I'm worried about Team K's roster. I don't know if JJ will be able to hold up all season as the breadwinner, and Chris had a sharp dropoff in points from Week 1 to Week 2. I think this week will be telling for both those players, and Team K overall. Editor's note: By the way Wiz, K asserts that JJ cried in front of Kaitlyn. This will also be subject to league vote.

5) Team A (13 points) - 2/5
Oh poor Team A, losing her first round pick! All her hopes are now resting on Clint and Joe....ouch. I guess it could be worse. Oh, what's that? Clint might be more interested in JJ than Kaitlyn? It does seem that Joe had a very active role in the season preview, so maybe that's a good sign though?

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