Top Scorers:
1) Everyone - 14 Points
Ian - Racked up 14 points via a Week 4 rose and a "Right Reasons" (on Kaitlyn).
Joshua - Almost was able to grab 19 points, but it was determined he did not cry. Team K will have to be content with the 14 generated by a Week 4 rose and a "Right Reasons" (on Nick).
Ben H - The most exciting point scorer of the week. Racked up the first rose of Week 4, a week 5 rose, and a makeout session.
Tanner - Like Ian and Joshua got points for a Week 4 rose and a "Right Reasons" (on Nick).
Nick - Nick stacked up 14 points via the last rose of Week 4, the group date rose on Week 5, and points for making out.
"Right Reasons" - As we had three "Right Reasons" this week lets do a quick deep dive on what does and does not qualify for points.
1) The exact words "Right Reasons" do not have to be used. Other alternatives include "sincerest intentions", "truest intentions", etc.
2) The accusation must occur to the person's face. No points for saying it to producers. No points for saying to Kaitlyn unless it provokes a further discussion (i.e. Joshua).
3) A person cannot get "Right Reasons" points for accusing the same person multiple times in one season.
Let's take a quick look at this week's examples.
1) Joshua: Joshua sought out Kaitlyn to let her know that Nick was not here for the right reasons. He was so sure of this because of ..... "male intuition." After he told Kaitlyn multiple men agreed with him, all his comrades bailed out. Ultimately culminating with this:
2) Tanner's "Right Reason" was very straightforward and to the point. Accused Nick in front of all the guys and sparked an intense conversation.
3) Ian's was perhaps the most distasteful of the group. He attacked Kaitlyn not because he actually thought she was there for the wrong reasons, but because he wanted to put her down to pump himself up. Absolutely distasteful, expect a breakdown of this from Milli after the conclusion next week.
Power Ranking the Teams
1) Team Milli (LW: 2)
After a week out of the top spot Milli moves back up by default. Ian will be going home next week without scoring any more points, but I expect Ben Z and Shawn B to strong scorers for the remainder of the season.
2) Team K (LW: 1)
Team K falls out of the top spot and is in danger of falling further down the chart. Joshua will be going home next week and JJ/Chris are both coming off poor weeks.
3) Team Wiz (LW: 4)
Tanner and Ben H are fueling a comeback, and if they stick around for a couple more weeks they could ultimately lead Team Wiz to the top. Look for Ben H to be the number one scorer for the season.
4) Team Undrafted (LW: Unranked)
Team Undrafted is making an appearance in the power rankings after a great showing from Norm Core Nick. I don't think they will be able to catch the Top 3 but they should be able to defeat Team A and Team E.
5) Team E (LW: 3)
A disastrous week for Team E as she gets 3 points from her 3 players. Justin will be gone before long and I'm not sure Jared can keep his hot streak up.
6) Team A (LW: 5)
Joe got a makeout session and rose for Team A this week but I have trouble seeing him doing much damage going forward, unless everyone else implodes. #TeamJoe
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